Social responsibility in librarianship: historical way and possibilities in teaching
Librarianship, Social responsability, Teaching of librarianshipAbstract
Introduction: The article proposes to carry out a bibliographic survey on the various views of social responsibility attributed to the librarian during the 20th century, when the concept started to be discussed within the scope of the American Library Association. It is understood that this discussion contributes to the development of librarianship curricula based on social responsibility.Objective: to reflect on the contributions of the discussions of social responsibility in the scope of the American Library Association for the teaching of Librarianship.
Methodology: This is a review article, based on exploratory-bibliographic research, having as source the bibliographic references found in several databases.
Results: Describes the different understandings about social responsibility and presents the contours that this concept was taking in the scope of Librarianship from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day.
Conclusions: The concept of social responsibility has the potential to develop librarianship curricula that transform the reality of students, educators and the community in which this course is inserted.
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