Philosophy's mirror: Hegel's presence in Harris and Dewey classifications
Knowledge Organization, Classification, ArtsAbstract
Introduction: Created in the nineteenth century, the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) carries in its unchanging hierarchical structure the thoughts of its time. Among the various sources that contributed to its conception, William Torrey Harris is recognized in the Knowledge Organization literature as Dewey's most immediate influence to create your system. The article published in 1959 by Graziano, points to hegelian’s thought as the true philosophical support of Harris’s scheme and, consequently, for Dewey Decimal Classification, questioning the place occupied for Bacon in this systems. Objectives: The purposes of this research were analyzes the philosophical influences that based the classification of Arts in Harris and Dewey schemes, remaking Graziano's steps, in order to check the plausibility of his statement and extend his discussion, making progress in the DDC theoretical studies. In this article, it is proposed to examine the understanding of Art that formed the classifications of Bacon, Hegel, Harris and Dewey. Methodology: The methodological approach adopted as background was the historical-structural dialectics, which was used in order to develop an explanatory and qualitative investigation, considering the analysis of four different classifications. Results: The results presented clearly indicate Hegel’s presence not explicitly assumed by Harris and Dewey in their systems and still little discussed in the representation information field in Brazil. Conclusions: It is concluded, unlike Graziano, that it is not possible to completely remove Baconian’s thought from the structure of Harris's bibliographic classification, however, the presence of Hegel really confirms itself as the feeder source of the Arts class content.Downloads
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