A theoretical investigation about partwhole semantic relations and its application in Knowledge Organization Systems
Ontologies, Semantic Relationships, Part-whole RelationshipsAbstract
Introduction: Semantic relationships are crucial devices for Knowledge Representation, a field of research that have received more and more attention, mainly with the advent of Semantic Web. Information Science has a long history of studying and using semantic relationships in the several contexts in which Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) are designed and developed. However, there are a few detailed research about the semantic relationship of whole-part, also known as partitive relationship. Objective: This article aims to present a well-grounded description about the partitive relationship, from a interdisciplinary approach including its linguistic and philosophical roots. Methodology: To reach our goals, we describe and characterize two main forms through partitive relations are posed – the meronym, non-formal and linguistic in nature; the mereology, formal and logical in nature – distinguishing them by the property of transitivity. Results: From such distinction, we suggest a pragmatic criterion to decide which approach of partitive relations is suitable to build ontologies and thesauri. Conclusions: We conclude that, formal relationships are, as a matter of fact, more restrict relations, and one can even say that they are included in no-formal relationships. However, the use of formal relations in ontologies requires attention to questions sometimes neglected by information scientists.Downloads
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