Dialogues between the archival appraisal function and the representation of the information
Information Organization, Archival Science, Archival Appraisal, International Standard for Describing FunctionsAbstract
Introduction: With the change of its object of study, from set of documents to the set of organic information, the Archivology assists new theoretical-methodological dialogues with different disciplines that also have the information object, such as Information Science and Organization of Knowledge and Information. In this perspective, the present research starts from the problematic of analyzing if the Organization and Representation of the Information can be observed within the Arquivologia, mainly in relation to the archival function of evaluation of documents. Objective: To demonstrate relationships between the archival evaluation function and the information representation, from ISDF. Methodology: exploratory and qualitative research. Results: when making the parallel between document evaluation, ISDF and Information Representation it is possible to identify that the ISDF contributes to the archival evaluation, from the description of the functions of the institution, described here, understood here as representation of the archival information. Conclusion: this research demonstrated that the dialogues can be observed and sought to instigate the academic community to the subject and to the development of new research related to the evaluation process and the representation of the information.Downloads
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