Ebert versus Schrettinger, from cultural logic (bibliography) to librarian logic (Librarianship)?
Bibliography - Germany - 19th century, Librarianship - Germany - 19th century, Bibliography and Librarianship - Foundations, Friedrich Adolf Ebert (1791- 1834), Martin Wil-ibaldSchrettinger (1772-1851)Abstract
Introduction: After the fundamental bibliographic praxis of Gesner and after the cultural foundation discussed by Naudé, which unified practical demands and cultural foundations, the specific evidence sand the theoretical maturation of Bibliography and Librarianship are defined and interpreted in a perspective and a passionates cientific dialectic, by Friedrich Adolf Ebert and Martin Wilibald Schrettinger. Objective: To identify and analyze the specific contributions of Ebert and Schrettinger to the consolidation oft hepure Bibliographyand the birthof modern Librarianship. Methodology: It is a bibliographical background research, based on the interpretation of the sources of Ebert and Schrettinger in combination with literature review, through a historical approach. Results: Ebert and Schrettinger, having criticized each other's works, have always been illustrated in contraposition, but their clash, in reality, was the ground on which the bibliographical and librarian thinking of them began to be defined. Conclusions: The elements that approximate the the oriesof Ebert and Schrettinger, and which are fundamental for Librarianship, are essentially two: the figure of the librarian and the catalog. The librarian should be well-selected, in addition to being supported both financially and in the updating and study activities. The catalog, however, is the element that unites the two librarians (Ebert e Schrettinger): without the catalog of the collection of books made up of the individual collections, no reasoningcanbesubstantiated, neitherbibliographicalnorlibrarian, northeviewbasedon that traditionallye rudite and literary, if it is the new and modern configuration of organizational and managerial type.Downloads
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