Epistemological foundation of bibliography between Robert Estivals and Jean Meyriat: notes from a francophone point of view
Bibliography, Historical epistemology, Information science, Robert Estivals (1927-2016), Jean Meyriat (1921-2010)Abstract
Introduction: The research discusses the place of the bibliography in the construction of Information Science in French point of view, focusing on the Robert Estivals and Jean Meyriat’s thought, epistemologists co-founders of the information and communication sciences in France. Objective: To discuss the construction of bibliographic categorization modes in information epistemology. We here ask ourselves, in general, how the bibliography is identified in the epistemological discourses of Information Science (CI) in its constitution. Methodology: This is a theoretical study, based on the epistemological-historical reflection, from the contributions of Wilhelm Dilthey and Viviane Couzinet on the historical construction of the human and social sciences and on the meta-methodological reflection on the course of institutionalization of disciplines. Results: The research allows us to understand the epistemological-historical dynamics of the concept of bibliography between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, highlighting its role in different contexts of epistemological affirmation of the field info-communicational, including the recent approaches of the 1990s. Conclusions: The conclusions point to the epistemic condition of French Bibliography in Gabriel Peignot's mirror, that is, his position in the early nineteenth century has direct repercussions on late classifications and representations of the bibliography, such as art, technique and-or know in the informational field.Downloads
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