The bibliographical invention of art in modernity: historical notes on artistic knowledge organization in the 16th century
Historical bibliography, Art, Giovan Paolo Lomazzo, Antonio PossevinoAbstract
Introduction: We propose a discussion on two writings of the 16th century of bibliographic nature, specifically the fourth chapter of the Idea del tempio della pittura by Giovan Paolo Lomazzo (first published in 1591), dedicated to “the ancient and modern writers of art” (Lomazzo, 1971, p. 34) and Antonio Possevino’s chapter “Painting precepts transmitted by the ancients and the moderns”, from his Tractatio de Poesia et pintura ethnica, humana et fabulosa collata cum vera, honesta et sacra (1595). Objective: to understand the choices in art literature that established the bases and marked the frontiers of an area of knowledge organization (KO) called Art as designed by Art History. Both the authors must be considered, beside the much more known Vasari, as authors which starts to elaborate systematic approaches to art books, designing an area of knowledge through the compilation of bibliographies, somehow a new approach in this new specific area of knowledge at the time that is called Art. Methodology: The methodological approach of the study is historical, combining sources studies with literature reflections, inquiring what kind of knowledge area was designed by these authors and how it determined the development of art studies. Results: Both the authors show a bibliographic repertoire focusing issues in the forming area of art through common perspectives, using ancient and modern sources and, at the same time, each one reflects different interests. Lomazzo shows a practical concern, while Possevino’s concern is of a more moral nature. Conclusões: Knowledge on the nature of the area of Art, as it builds its bibliographic bases both in textual and visual records, offers a rich harvest for studies in the information field, as art presents a peculiar treatment of its documents since its original configuration.Downloads
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