Bibliofilia, bibliographies and the construction of the rare book's axiological system
Bibliophilia, 18th century, bibliography, Rare books, Bibliographies of rare booksAbstract
Introduction: It presents and discusses sociocultural practices related to Bibliophilia and Bibliography that contributed to the elaboration of the concept of a rare book in modern Bibliophilia in the 18th century. Objetive: To identify the historical and theoretical foundations that support the formulation of the rare book concept in the eighteenth century, especially in the universe of Bibliophilia, in order to contextualize the definition of rarity. Methodology: For that, an exploratory and theoretical-descriptive research with historical-cultural focus was carried out for Bibliophilia and Bibliography. The collection of data was done through bibliographical and documentary research from readings of the history of Bibliophilia and documentary analysis of Bibliographies of Rare Books. Result: Based on the analysis of the paratexts of the bibliographies of Clement, DeBure and Vogt were enumerated the items that structure the construction of the rare book concept in the eighteenth century, identified as the axiological system of rarity. The analysis of this system showed that the rarity is a construction elaborated to attend specific aspects of book collecting by the book trade. Conclusion: The research indicates that the axiological system of Bibliophilia, built among booksellers in the eighteenth century, is a system forged to meet specific requirements and prerequisites of the universe of Bibliophilia. The issue that needs to be addressed is the need to understand this context and reflect on the appropriateness of its use in the contemporary context, especially in what concerns the valuation of cultural bibliographic heritage.Downloads
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