Generation z and technological platforms
Information Sharing, Mobile Device, Analysis of Social Networks, Social NetworksAbstract
Introduction: The exponential growth of information technology, information processing and distribution makes it possible for members of Generation Z to access a vast universe of information on various subjects. Objective: To verify the participation of Generation Z in the technological platforms carried out with students of the 3rd and 4th years of a federal high school in the northern of Paraná. Methodology: Social Network Analysis (SNA), which made it possible to verify the level of interaction and sharing of information through technological devices, and the Focus Group technique (GF), made by themes and categories, based on content analysis. Results: The act of staying online favors the feeling of closeness with other individuals, a factor considered important in access to information and in the possibility of immediate updating of events. By maintaining the habit of using technology, Generation Z is accustomed to constant contacts, quick and easy access to information, and so it would be hard to get rid of platforms like smartphones. Conclusions: Conduct in front of technology platforms is seen as a day-to-day action rather than as an essential habit, even though they identify that a lack of technology can deprive them of opportunities. Although used to the technological processes of communication and information, the group researched here does not consider that it was born along with the technology, but they were adapting to it.Downloads
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