Emerging questions in the Information Science domain
Information Science, Information Process, Information Professional, Information Professional CompetenciesAbstract
Introduction: the present article reflects on the emerging themes of the Information Science area. It presents some evolving concepts related to the area and discusses aspects around the researches in progress, as well as evaluates the role of information professionals in the scope of scientific research. Objective: To discuss what is Information Science. To understand how research is being evaluated in this scientific field. To study how the information professionals are currently seen and what are the desired competences for these professionals. Methodology: Bibliographic research. Results: The results indicate that information science is a social, informative and communicative science that has as object of study an informational process that consists of retention, retrieval and transformation of information to generate new knowledge.In the scientific reserach context, information Science brings together several áreas of acience that have as objetc of study the informative-documentary process, being the majority of the research of a qualitative nature. Among the various competencies of the information professional, the study emphasizes the reading learning exercise, since this professional acts directly in several areas of knowledge. Conclusions: the study focused on the Information Science area in three aspects: what is the Information Science, what are the most developed researches in the field today and what are the skills of the information professionals. The Information science is a growing area and needs a permanent debate, mainly investigations that cover these three aspects mentioned, since they complement each other.Downloads
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