What do we talk about when we talk about gender in Information Science?
Gender, Information Science, State of KnowledgeAbstract
Introduction: Nowadays, various fields conduct research on gender. This study investigates under what perspectives this domain is addressed by Library and Information Science (LIS). Goals: The main goal is to understand how the field appropriates and/or contributes to gender studies; defining gender as a representative term related to social roles and expectations of behavior attributed to people according to their sex. Methodology: Keywords from 588 articles from the International Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) were retrieved and analyzed, from 1980 to 2016. Given the large number of keywords retrieved, cloud tags were generated and analyzed in order to identify the most used terms per decade. Results: The results indicate that gender was addressed by LIS from different perspectives over the years, but generally maintained the main focus on issues related to women’s studies and gender differences. In addition, it is observed that gender is studied in LIS within traditional topics of the area, such as Information Retrieval and Scientific Communication. Conclusions: This study opens new possibilities for research on how LIS addresses gender in its scientific discoveries.Downloads
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