Knowledge Organization in shortcuts: research notes under benjaninian sprit


  • Vera Dodebei Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Knowledge Organization, Memory, Digital Object


Introduction: Under the 'holding hands' metaphor, the concepts, means of transmission and the uses of memory data are discussed in four shortcuts from a historical point of view: philosophy, science, information and ecology. Objectives: To present research notes in the field of knowledge organization. Methodology: It was used conceptual relations networks built by maps with the support of CmapTools software. Results: As main results, it presents indicators and assumptions that there is already a change, in relation to the social commitment to share memories from institutions that store and organize knowledge. Conclusions: It concludes with the observation that the quality of data to be chosen to feed collections of objects selected as memory should take into account the way in which the digital objects were created: fluid data or merely communicational and therefore ephemeral data; or data protected by information layers that assure its authenticity for the purpose of memories reusing.


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Author Biography

Vera Dodebei, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doutora em Comunicação e Cultura. Professora Titular da UNIRIO


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How to Cite

Dodebei, V. (2017). Knowledge Organization in shortcuts: research notes under benjaninian sprit. Informação & Informação, 22(2), 67–83.


