Information professionals performance in the data life cycle - dataONE: a compared study
Scientific Data, Information Professionals, Data Life Cycle, DataONEAbstract
Introduction: with the definitive consolidation of the Information and Communication Digital Technologies in all human processes in the beginning of the 21st century, daily, it is produced an endless amount of data. This avalanche of data is known as the Big Data phenomenon. In the academic field, new possibilities related to the use of research data are emerging. Researchers from several different areas are paying special attention to the Data Management Plan, which involves the curatorship of the research data during all its life cycle, since the planning stage until its (re)use. Objective: aims to investigate how the information professionals can act on the component stages of the Data Life Cycle – DataONE. Methodology: is an exploratory-descriptive and bibliographical research, assuming the comparative method which associates the competences of the information professionals that can be applied and / or adapted in the accomplishment of the component stages of the data life cycle – DataONE. Results: it has been found that most of the skills of information professionals are aligned with the components of the data life cycle. Conclusions: it was possible to conclude that the competence of the information professionals can be effectively applied and suited to the reality of the research data, more precisely, in the process of the data life cycle.Downloads
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