Information representation of artistics documents in museological environment: an exploratory analysis from the view point of departamental integration




Information representation, Artistics documents, Museums, Archives, Libraries


Introduction: It analyzes the integration of the museum, archive and library departments in a museum environment, with respect to the informational representation of the objects / artistic documents, being considered all materials referring to the arts, regardless of their support. Objectives: Identify the integration of professionals and collections of museum departments in relation to documentary treatment of different types of materials; to contextualize uses and ambiences of these documents, seeking to delimit boundaries of documentary application; and, compare documentary languages and related tools already existent in the area of arts. Methodology: Studies and bibliographical analyzes on the subject in question, having as apllied  part sending and return of questionnaires to art institutions in the city of São Paulo. Results: Although there are differences between the museums, this research revealed the existence of initiatives to integrate both the collections and the professionals involved in information processing. Conclusions: The integrated work of representation of artistic documents under the "informative" aspect is fundamental, since they add value to the content of the works.


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Author Biography

Giovana Deliberali Maimone, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

Doctor in Information Science from the Universidade de São Paulo - USP. Professor at the Universidade de São Paulo - USP.


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How to Cite

Maimone, G. D. (2018). Information representation of artistics documents in museological environment: an exploratory analysis from the view point of departamental integration. Informação & Informação, 23(1), 109–131.


