Application of the triangulation of methods to evaluate the usability in specialized digital information enviroments: study in the CoDAF website
Information enviroment, Information architecture, Usability, CoDAF Website, Eye trackingAbstract
Introduction: Information Architecture and usability studies can provide theoretical and practical subsidies to support the development of digital information environments that publish content for specific segments, with Family Farming being a sector that can benefit from specialized content sharing. The CoDAF portal is a digital information environment that provides content related to agriculture, and can address information needs of small producers, potential consumers and other agents of society, that seek information on Family Farming, resulting in a target audience with heterogeneous characteristics. It is questioned about how the informational architecture of an environment specialized in the availability of contents of, and for, small producers is organized, and how an usability diagnosis can be made to verify its effectiveness. Objective: To demonstrate the application and combination of usability evaluation methods in order to verify the quality of the interaction and adherence of the content of the CoDAF portal. Methodology: Triangulation of three procedures for evaluation of usability: heuristic analysis, measurement of performance by means of the Eye Tracking technique, and questionnaires. Results: The topics identified in the execution of each procedure for usability analysis are presented, highlighting the contributions when used in combination. Conclusion: The importance of triangulation between procedures to evaluate usability, and the contribution to Information Science once it demonstrated, in a practical way, the application of theories from the Information Architecture, is emphasized, subsidizing research that involves evaluation. in specialized digital information environments.Downloads
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