New informational practices face to digital humanities: building digital collections as support for digital humanities
Digital humanities, Digital mediation, Digitization, Digital archival, InformationAbstract
Introduction: The article addresses the Digital Humanities as a field of new informational practices on which the area of Information Science needs to reflect. Objective: Exploring the interdisciplinary characteristic of both areas this article presents an attempt to define the new emerging area to create a conceptual cut that can be crossed with Information Science. Methodology: It brings the debate about the new developments of the traditional informational areas with the praxiological manifestation of the digital humanities. It uses as analysis the transformation of a collection in its traditional support to a digital form. Results: It presents the digitization of the collection of personal files of the Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary History of Brazil as a case of study and points to the archival area as being liable to greater complexities for information management due to the characteristics of the document support and its large load of aggregated information. Conclusions: It concludes that the transformation of traditional media into digital collections projects the access beyond creating new forms of information use, characterizing this movement as an integral part of what is called Digital Humanities.Downloads
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