The archival knowledge applied in the description of phonetic patterns of speakers
Archival Description, Information Management, Forensic PhoneticsAbstract
Introduction: Speaker identification is the activity that is able to determine if the same speaker produced two voices. The phonetician performs the exam by comparing the extracted phonetic patterns of speakers, which are elements that determine the speech traits of an individual. Objective: This study shows how the archival knowledge can be used to organize the phonetic patterns provided by phonetician, helping to build speaker identification systems. Methodology: The research is characterized as descriptive and qualitative and quantitative, with the interpretation, description, evaluation and indexing of phonetic patterns, besides the application of statistical concepts. Findings: The results of the investigation led to the proposal of a model description of the phonetic patterns, organized in a matrix form, with relevant information to the phonetician to be used in speaker identification systems. Conclusion: It is concluded that the practice of interdisciplinary of the two areas, Archivology and Phonetics, can make an important contribution in the results of organizing data and phonetic information, demonstrating the broad scope of archival knowledge on current problem-solving.Downloads
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