Information architecture for an economy of information
Information Architecture, Economy, Search for Information, Classification, Competitive AdvantageAbstract
Introduction: The information is intended as a basic raw material, which depend on the processes for decision or learning in the organizational context. Thus the information instead of constituting a primary assumption about the economy is actually more than that, to the extent that it is desired as well by any other economic agents. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify evidence of the conceptual nature of the heterogeneity of information as an important phenomenon that produces a significant impact on the market balance and the welfare of economic agents. Methodology: The research is characterized as a review of literature in the fields of information science, specifically with respect to information architecture, contrasting with the Economy to establish a parallel about the so-called information economy. Results: The main results indicate that having an Information Architecture that enables the ostensible information, enables easy access to knowledge sought by those who demand, is due to its clarity, connectivity, contextualized content to the level of knowledge of users, enabling organizations to maximize the effectiveness of decisions. Conclusion: With regard to the use of an information architecture within an information economy, it is seen that consumers increase the level of utility as the translated information of cheap, light and easily knowledge reduces the degree of dispersion and price volatility.Downloads
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