Interfaces as metacommunication: contribution of semiotic engineering in representation in cyberspace
Interfaces, Metacommunication, Semiotic Engineering, Semiotic, Knowledge RepresentationAbstract
Introduction: The interaction in cyberspace can be seen as a process of reciprocal information, in which the designer should indicate how else can act. In this process, the informational guy is not a passive agent, it is called the interpretation. Metacommunication leads the designer to worry about predicting the needs taking into account the vision of who this guy is, what he seeks in the interface and through. Objective: To analyze the interfaces as the designer Metacommunication in cyberspace for identify the contribution of Semiotic Engineering for the designer in the process of signification and representation interfaces. Methodology: To make the Document Analysis, used the categorical analysis technique, or a spin-off of Static signs, Dynamic and Metalinguistic of Theory of Semiotic Engineering, comparing them with the triadic division of signs Peirce (Icon, Index and Symbol) in the selected corpus: National Library of Australia and the Library of Congress. Results: It was observed a greater concern of the designer of the US Library of Congress to use the metacommunication, because the designer has created more routes and directions to paths that anticipated the possible intentions of informational subjects in the quest for knowledge. Conclusions: The theory of Semiotic Engineering contributes to the Information Science in the search for better represent the knowledge to bring the concept of interface as Metacommunication designer for informational subject navigating in cyberspace, both interpreters minds and producers of knowledge.Downloads
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