Organization of digital resources in RePEc through ReDIF metadata
Repository, Preprinted, Desktop publishing, Scientific communication, MetadataAbstract
Introduction: The disciplinary repository RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) provides access to a wide range of preprints, journal articles, books, book chapters and software about economic and administrative sciences. This repository adds bibliographic records produced by different universities, institutes, editors and authors that work collaboratively following the norms of the documentary organization. Objective: In this paper, mainly, we identify and analyze the functioning of RePEc, which includes the organization of the files, which is characterized using the protocol Guildford and metadata ReDIF (Research Documentation Information Format) templates own for the documentary description. Methodology: Part of this research was studied theoretically in the literature; another part was carried out by observing a series of features visible on the RePEc website and in the archives of a journal that collaborates in this repository. Results: The repository is a decentralized collaborative project and it also provides several services derived from the metadata analysis. Conclusions: We conclude that the ReDIF templates and the Guildford communication protocol are key elements for organizing records in RePEc, and there is a similarity with the Dublin Core metadata.Downloads
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