Presence of e-books in the collections of university libraries
Information Access, Digital Libraries, Academic Libraries.Abstract
Introduction: The current library configuration has been modified. The main point of change relates to dematerialization of their collections, namely the creation of digital archives. Although the presence of e-books such information environments is increasingly common, there are still many issues to be discussed in relation to the acquisition and access to these resources.Objective: To analyze the presence of e-books in the collections of international national university libraries and to raise issues related to the acquisition and dissemination of these works.
Methodology: This is a qualitative research with literature review, it analyzed of the websites of these libraries and it was applied questionnaires sent by e-mail to the responsible for the libraries of the institutions surveyed.
Results: The results show weaknesses in the way of management and dissemination of digital collections. These problems directly impact on the development of digital collections, access and ownership information.
Conclusions: With increasingly reliant users, it is important that they are involved in making decisions related to the selection of e-books, as well as they have knowledge of the works that make up the collection of libraries process.
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