The information management profissional field


  • Ana Maria Barcellos Malin FACC/ PPGCI-IBICT/UFRJ



Information management, Vocational training, Labour market, Public sector


Introduction: Information management, late approach of information as an objet of interest, materializes today, in Brazil, as a professional field in terms of both educational and occupational. Becoming key to the labor market, it consolidates a Knowledge Mandates. 
Objective: To identify Institutions that are associated with the educational and professional field of the Information Management in Brazil. 
Methodology: The indicators of trends in this direction were obtained from exploratory research conducted through formal and systematic search in the Brazilian web. 
Results: The results also indicate trends in multidisciplinary teaching approaches as well as labor market structuring coming from positions, vacancies and civil service exam promoted mainly by the public sector in Brazil. 
Conclusions: Concludes on the need for Information Science to examine and deepen the researches on questions arising from these trends in Brazilian society, both in relation to educational and professional, as to the connection between information management and governance in the country.


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Author Biography

Ana Maria Barcellos Malin, FACC/ PPGCI-IBICT/UFRJ

Economista, Mestre em Engenharia de Produção pela COPPE/ UFRJ (1974) e Doutora em Ciência da Informação pelo IBICT/UFRJ (2003). Realizou sua pesquisa de pós-doutorado, com bolsa do CNPq, desenvolvendo um modelo de avaliação da gestão da informação governamental. Atuou em diversas organizações governamentais e empresariais sendo atualmente professora adjunta da Faculdade de Administração e Ciências Contábeis (FACC) da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação IBICT/MCT em convênio com a FACC/UFRJ.



How to Cite

Malin, A. M. B. (2012). The information management profissional field. Informação & Informação, 17(2), 172–187.


