Estratégias de Prevenção e Controle da Dengue, Chikungunya e Zika no Município de Cruz das Almas-BA
Aedes aegypti, Educação Ambiental, Políticas Públicas, Saúde e Meio Ambiente.Abstract
This research aimed to point out, together with agents of endemic diseases, actions to improve prevention and control strategies for Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika in the municipality of Cruz das Almas-BA. This is a qualitative and exploratory research, whose subjects were 40 endemic disease agents linked to the Epidemiological Surveillance of the Municipal Health Department. The approximation about the perception of Endemic Diseases Agents in relation to the problem, its subjectivities, multicausalities and solution possibilities allowed identifying elements to guide strategies based on collective actions, aiming to contribute to greater adherence by public authorities and society to prevention and control proposals of arboviruses. It was possible to point out actions to improve the work and face the problem, divided into three axes: (1) Environmental Education, Social Mobilization and Communication; (2) Vector Combat and (3) Management. Among the actions pointed out, the sectorization of ACEs in the localities stands out; the integration of the category in the Family Health Strategy, the inclusion of these professionals in the discussion of the entomological results raised by them and the proposition of educational actions in public schools. The research highlights the socio-environmental nature of epidemics, pointing them out as one of the main challenges to public health today, demanding responses, resources and efforts from the public authorities in order not only to seek control of this vector, but to promote prevention, proposing dialogue constant and profound with the different fields of knowledge, through multi and interdisciplinary approaches that mainly contemplate health, environment, social participation and education.
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