Legal Rights and Guarantees: haitian immigrants, between law and reality
Haitian migration; Migratory policies; Social integration; Public policies; Migration.Abstract
Every migration process represents a problem when it comes to insertion in the social structure of a country. There are difficulties in integration, whether due to social, economic, or cultural vulnerability, which nurture an immense challenge: the creation of public policies and legal guarantees that serve this group seeking adequate social insertion. The present study analyzed the legislation and institutions responsible, or that shelter migrants, aiming to evaluate them from the perspective of the migrants themselves, in this case, the Haitians. From a methodological point of view, two approaches were used. The first consisted of documentary analysis, and the second, the application of questionnaires and qualitative interviews to immigrants. The result highlights deficiencies in the integration of immigrants, who, even though they often have legal support within Brazil, do not find adequate public policies and institutions prepared to make their rights viable.
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