An Experience in the Pibid of Geography: student perception of the lived place and freirean pedagogy
PIBID. Geography teaching. Drawing; Interpretation of space.Abstract
This paper discusses the results of educational practices, applied in the context of didactic sequence, under Pibid. The practices sought to know the neighborhood, in São João del-Rei – MG, Brazil, from the perception of students who live in the place. In the practices, we tried to motivate and sensitize students to think and rethink their actions in the school environment and in the community where they live, in the light of freirean pedagogy. Thus, the students were asked to draw places they like and dislike in their living space. As answers to what they least like, they highlighted the lack of adequate infrastructure in the neighborhood (37.5%), violence (12.5%), environmental issues (12.5%) and problems faced in public transportation (6.25%). As for what they like most, leisure areas (25%), churches (25%), their own home (18.75%), among others, were mentioned. This result leads us to think about the strong absence of the State in the periphery, evidenced by the lack of infrastructure, violence and scarcity. In order to change this scenario, the students wrote letters to the mayor with their demands for improvements. This experience also contributed to understand and reinforce the importance of Pibid in the formation of the professional teacher.
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