The first words of a research




Word association test, Scientific research, Research instrument, Teaching.


The beginning of a scientific investigative process with a qualitative approach is challenging, especially when the object of study consists of human beings, as in the researches on teaching. The moment of application of the first research instrument is decisive, as it represents for the researcher the confirmation or not of the relevance of their theoretical and methodological choices for the development of their investigation. Using content analysis technique, this text sought to analyse the investigative potential of a research instrument named word association test, according to the concepts of Bardin (2011). Using data from the author's doctoral thesis, we demonstrate that this research instrument is capable of producing data and enabling relevant findings for the construction and improvement of other research instruments, and, therefore, for the entirety of a scientific investigative process.


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Author Biography

Edimar Eder Batista, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - EL

Doctor in Geography from the UEL. Professor of the Teaching Staff of the Departamento de Educação e Esporte of the State of Paraná.


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How to Cite

Batista, E. E. (2022). The first words of a research. Geografia (Londrina), 31(2), 47–65.


