Agroecology and Active Production of the Scale: Principles for Food Sovereignty - the Case of Gleba XV de Novembro




Food production, Agroecological transition, Food control.


In conventional agriculture, the functioning of the food system is linked to the intense use of industrialized inputs and equipment. For commercialization, this system prioritizes quantity over diversity, which projects chronic dependence on middlemen. In this context, the concepts of agroecology and active scale production bring with them the perspective of emancipation. Thus, this article aims to analyze the relationship between the concepts of agroecology and active scale production in the construction of an alternative food system, aimed at strengthening the right of all countries/communities to control their own food, in accordance with the concept of the food sovereignty. For this, we initially carried out a literature review about the main concepts used. Then, to understand the relationship between production and distribution in the perspective adopted here, we also present a case study. Despite the existing adversities, the agroecological practice linked to initiatives of active construction of the scale of commercialization opens the doors for the construction of another food system. Therefore, more important than the immediate results, such experiences keep the hopes for a dignified, accessible and emancipated diet alive and updated.


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Author Biography

Valmir José de Oliveira Valério, FCT, UNESP, Presidente Prudente/SP campus

PhD in Geography from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT), Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Presidente Prudente/SP campus. Researcher at the Center for Studies, Research and Projects for Agrarian Reform (NERA).


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How to Cite

Valério, V. J. de O. (2022). Agroecology and Active Production of the Scale: Principles for Food Sovereignty - the Case of Gleba XV de Novembro. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 31(1), 199–216.


