Touristscapes: between gazing and performance paradigms


  • Jaciel Gustavo Kunz Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Antonio Carlos Castrogiovanni Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Mauricio Ragagnin Pimentel Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul



Landscape, Tourism, Gazing, Performance, Photography.


This essay aims to re-present the central role occupied by visuality in studying and experiencing landscapes in general, and, particularly, touristscapes. The distinct gazing and performing research paradigms are contrasted to demonstrate a relative theoretical, conceptual framework shift from the first to the latter in tourist landscape research. For the purpose of this demonstration, literature pertaining to Tourism and Cultural-Humanistic Geography, especially from Anglo-Saxon authors, is reviewed. The purpose is to restructure the knowledge correspondent to these subjects, at least the way they have been approached by Geography and Tourism in Brazil. Grounded on the gazing paradigm, we consider that the sense of sight is not detached from the others, and that it is not distant from the embodied practices (performing). The question is to what extent the two paradigms (gazing and performing) are in fact antagonic, or whether they complement each other dialogically in the study of landscapes in Tourism. In addition, we consider that tourist performances are the link between the gaze and the practices, approaches that are sometimes dismissed. Finally, we propose that methodologies grounded on the use of photography can be a privileged way to visually study the landscapes, as well as the performative aspects of tourism.


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Author Biographies

Jaciel Gustavo Kunz, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Doctoral Student in Geography (UFRGS) and Professor at FURG.

Antonio Carlos Castrogiovanni, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Doctor in Social Communication (PUC-RS). Professor at PUC-RS and UFRGS.

Mauricio Ragagnin Pimentel, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Doctor in Geography (UFRGS). Professor at UFPel.


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How to Cite

Kunz, J. G., Castrogiovanni, A. C., & Pimentel, M. R. (2022). Touristscapes: between gazing and performance paradigms. Geografia (Londrina), 31(1), 9–29.


