Land Use and Land Cover Change and Landscape Hemeroby: the case of the Immediate Geographic Region of Belém - Pará (1985-2018)


  • Luiz Henrique Almeida Gusmão University of the Amazon (UNAMA)
  • Marco Aurélio Arbage Lobo University of the Amazon (UNAMA)
  • Helena Lúcia Zagury Tourinho University of the Amazon (UNAMA)



Landscape planning, Geo-ecology, Hemeroby.


Human activities have changed ecological patterns and process overtime. Several statistics seek to measure anthropogenic changes in landscapes, including the hemeroby index, concept that defines the intensity of changes in the structure and function of landscapes resulting from human activities. This study, using information on land use and land cover in the Immediate Geographic Region of Belem (Brazil), quantified, categorized, and analyzed the hemeroby degrees in the 15 municipalities of that region. To calculate and represent land use classes and hemeroby indices, MapBiomas Project data of 1985 and 2018 were used and a geoprocessing software to make thematic maps. The study showed the limits and possibilities of the hemerobia index to contribute to regional studies, by grading the levels of environmental impacts of the various of land uses classes. Additionally, it showed that the study region: was moderately impacted by human activities; pastures are the main modifiers of the landscape; forest areas predominate in most municipalities despite successive expansions of urbanized areas and pastures; most of the municipalities have a moderate degree of human intervention in their landscapes and the classes that promote more severe transformation in the landscape are not very significant in the region.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Henrique Almeida Gusmão, University of the Amazon (UNAMA)

Master's student in Development and Urban Environment (UNAMA).

Marco Aurélio Arbage Lobo, University of the Amazon (UNAMA)

Doctor in Social and Environmental Development (UFPA). Professor and researcher at the Graduate Program in Urban Development and Environment, University of the Amazon (UNAMA).

Helena Lúcia Zagury Tourinho, University of the Amazon (UNAMA)

PhD in Urban Development (UFPE). Professor and researcher at the Graduate Program in Urban Development and Environment, University of the Amazon (UNAMA).


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How to Cite

Gusmão, L. H. A., Lobo, M. A. A., & Tourinho, H. L. Z. (2021). Land Use and Land Cover Change and Landscape Hemeroby: the case of the Immediate Geographic Region of Belém - Pará (1985-2018). GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 30(2), 169–189.


