Analyze of The Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Broadcasting: the example of the Enfurnados e Informados Project


  • Henrique Simão Pontes Department of Geosciences at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG)
  • Laís Luana Massuqueto University Group for Speleological Research (GUPE)



Geoscientific education, Virtual environments, Speleology.


This article analyzes the project Enfurnados e Informados, a series of lives by the University Group for Speleological Research. The data collected in online forms through questions and statistical data generated by the You Tube platform, it was possible to assess the impact of the project on the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the dissemination of speleological heritage. There were 14 lives with different themes related to speleology. The results showed that the majority of the participating public is women, composed mainly of students within complete graduation and more than 60% do not practice caving. Almost all participants considered that the lives contributed in some way in their life during social isolation due to COVID-19 and that the project provided the dissemination of knowledge and information. From the lived experiences during the Enfurnados e Informados and the notes indicated in the research forms, it is concluded that the main objective of the project was reached. Virtual environments are important tools for communication, learning and dissemination of scientific knowledge. However, due to social inequalities, caution is needed in the use of these tools, especially in formal teaching environments, in order to guarantee social inclusion.


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Author Biographies

Henrique Simão Pontes, Department of Geosciences at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG)

PhD in Environmental Geology by the Graduate Program in Geology at the Federal University of Paraná. Professor in the Department of Geosciences at the State University of Ponta Grossa.

Laís Luana Massuqueto, University Group for Speleological Research (GUPE)

PhD in Environmental Geology by the Graduate Program in Geology at the Federal University of Paraná. Researcher at the University Group for Speleological Research (GUPE).


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How to Cite

Pontes, H. S., & Massuqueto, L. L. (2021). Analyze of The Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Broadcasting: the example of the Enfurnados e Informados Project. Geografia (Londrina), 30(2), 297 – 315.


