Territorial Markers of Popular Faith in Ponta Grossa: social and cultural resistance





Popular faith, Territorial markers, Microterritories, Spatial phenomenology.


This article has as general objective to discuss the territorial and geosymbol markers of popular faith that subsist in the midst of the multiple modernities of the urban space of Ponta Grossa. The municipalities of Paraná Tradicional have their histories linked to the expropriation of indigenous lands with the enslavement of natives and of black people brought from the African continent, in the consolidation of economic activities related to agriculture. Today, it is perceived that local society rescues for modern everyday life some characteristics of its origins in the feel-think-build city. Even though Ponta Grossa is the 4th largest city in the State of Paraná, therefore, with a considerable degree of urbanization and modernity, some territorial markers are preserved by the community that refer to another city, which is not perfectly aligned with the geostructures of the capital. Between water strand, tombs, canonical and non-canonical saints, a religious-spiritual corpus is formed, within a secret/emotional relationship with space. Inobstant, from a phenomenological method, it is perceived that these spatials interdicts embody a strategy, even if unconscious, of resistance to the totalizing impositions of modernity. It is concluded, therefore, that the territorial markers of popular faith reveal the multiplicity of the urban in that they resignify modernity through other rationalities in spatial formatting.


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Author Biographies

Maximillian Ferreira Clarindo, State University of Ponta Grossa

PhD in Geography from the State University of Ponta Grossa (2012).

Nicolas Floriani, State University of Ponta Grossa

PhD in Environment and Development (UFPR). He works as a professor in the Postgraduate Program (Master and Doctorate) in Geography at UEPG.


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How to Cite

Clarindo, M. F., & Floriani, N. (2020). Territorial Markers of Popular Faith in Ponta Grossa: social and cultural resistance. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 30(1), 227–246. https://doi.org/10.5433/2447-1747.2021v30n1p227


