Body-Experiential Pathways trough Place-Bebop: spatial senses in Galeria Cosmococa at Instituto Inhotim de Arte Contemporânea




Corporeality, Place-ballet, Place-bebop, Movement, Geography and Art.


Rebuilt in the “Instituto Inhotim de Arte Contemporânea” as conceived by Hélio Oiticica and Neville d’Almeida, the five cosmococas that compose “Galeria Cosmococa” are immersive spatial-sensorial experiences. The essay intends to, through a Merleau-Pontian existentialist phenomenological perspective, decipher how the cosmococas can open up geographical comprehension of ephemeral and bodily experience of place lived by subjects in their daily lives. In transcendence to Seamon’s concept of place-ballet, the entropic experience of immersion in the artwork indicates a transitory temporality that crystalizes on place-bebop. Cosmococas implicate in way by which subject-place encounters and movements gain complex outlines in the spatialization of chance and unpredictability. The installations make explicit microdynamics of place that unravel in the phenomenal instant temporal horizon synthetized in place-ballet.


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Author Biography

Carlos Roberto Bernardes de Souza Júnior, IESA/UFG

PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at IESA/UFG.


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How to Cite

Souza Júnior, C. R. B. de. (2020). Body-Experiential Pathways trough Place-Bebop: spatial senses in Galeria Cosmococa at Instituto Inhotim de Arte Contemporânea. Geografia (Londrina), 30(1), 265–284.


