Linear Erosive Features in Cuesta Environments: a case study in the interior of paulista
Anthropogeomorphology, Geomorphological mapping, Land use and occupation.Abstract
With the improvement of the technique, human being started to infer and modify the natural environment, especially the relief, which presents significant changes. In this sense, the present work aims to identify the evolution of linear erosive features and to evaluate in which lithological, soil and land use conditions these occur in the Cabeça River Watershed (SP). Thus, using data as a mapping of land use and occupation and linear erosive features in different periods (1988 and 2010, with field rework in 2019), the dynamics of use and occupation were analyzed, as well as their relation with the occurrence of linear erosive features. The comparative analysis of the mappings showed that the erosive ridges, ravines and gullies occur predominantly in sectors occupied by pasture, arranged over sandy lithologies and soils derived from this lithology. In addition, it was found that the use and occupation by increasing activities associated with mining and agricultural practices such as sugarcane monoculture also contribute to the occurrence of erosive processes and the appearance of these features. In this sense, it is possible to affirm that the intense use of the land added to the litho-pedological characteristics of the cuesta-depression contact, can dynamize the linear erosive processes.Downloads
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