The Internet as a Research Instrument and Learning: an Analysis from the Geography Teaching


  • Severino Alves Coutinho Professor Orcila Bezerril State School



Geography, Internet, Learning.


This article is guided in a study focused on Geography teaching and the use of the internet as a source of information and research, since its accessibility as an important technological interface for the development of pedagogical activities that allows its use not only as mere attractiveness but above all as communication vehicle that expresses in real time a diversity of images and information that can subsidize the planning and motivate teachers and students, generating more quality in the teaching-learning process. Furthermore, as a technological didactic resource, the internet offers a diversified flow of academic works in digital format, providing reading and reflection, as well as serving as a theoretical support for studies proposed by the school subject. Following this perspective, this article was structured from a research carried out at Professora Ocila Bezerril State School, in the municipality of Montanhas – RN, where we applied the questionnaires to students of the 1st grade of high school, seeking to verify if the internet has been used as a tool that provides learning in the teaching of Geography, as well as whether teachers have guided studies that contemplate the use of this technology in the classroom. By analyzing the data, we found that although the students are in favor of inserting this resource in school context, not all educators have the practice of teaching Geography in accordance with the interactive dynamics of the internet.


Author Biography

Severino Alves Coutinho, Professor Orcila Bezerril State School

Has a master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Paraíba (2010). He is currently a teacher at the Rio Grande do Norte State Education Network.



How to Cite

Coutinho, S. A. (2020). The Internet as a Research Instrument and Learning: an Analysis from the Geography Teaching. Geografia (Londrina), 29(1), 267–283.


