Analysis of the evolution of urban occupation and socioeconomic aspects in the João Mendes Basin, Niterói - RJ: contributions to environmental management


  • Thiago dos Santos Leal Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Otávio Miguez da Rocha Leão Faculty of Teacher Training of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Watersheds, Vulnerable areas, Socioeconomic aspects.


The river basins in urban areas have undergone several negative structural interventions, which have generated changes in the hydrological dynamics. Thus, the present study aims to identify the urban evolution between 1976 and 2014 in the João Mendes river basin and to evaluate the most vulnerable areas in the basin in terms of socioeconomic aspects, which require priority actions, either structural and/or nonstructural measures, by the public power. For that, fieldwork was carried out, generation of the classification map of built-up areas and vegetation cover, and socioeconomic analysis based on income ranges in number of minimum wages by census sector (2010 census) and percentage of households with exhaustion by sector census based on the database provided by IBGE (2010). The results showed that there was an increase of approximately 85% of urban occupation (from 14% to 26.64%) in the basin between 1976 and 2014. It is important that the public power intensifies investments in the census tracts that presented the lowest percentages of households with exhaustion ranging from 0 to 25%.


Author Biographies

Thiago dos Santos Leal, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD student in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Otávio Miguez da Rocha Leão, Faculty of Teacher Training of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2005). He is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Teacher Training of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).



How to Cite

Leal, T. dos S., & Leão, O. M. da R. (2020). Analysis of the evolution of urban occupation and socioeconomic aspects in the João Mendes Basin, Niterói - RJ: contributions to environmental management. Geografia (Londrina), 29(1), 107–123.


