Public policies and territorial development: an analysis of the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar in the municipalities of Dracena and Regente Feijó - SP


  • Ellen Tamires Pedriali Colnago UNESP, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, campus of Presidente Prudente - SP
  • Rosangela Aparecida de Medeiros Hespanhol UNESP, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, campus of Presidente Prudente - SP



Territorial development, Decentralization, Institutional arrangements, PNAE, Family agriculture.


Political and administrative decentralization, which took place in the 1990s, associated to the eminence of the territorial approach, modified the conditions for the execution of public policies, such as the PNAE. In the 2000s, with the incorporation of family farmers as providers of school feeding, this program gained greater social relevance. Aiming to present the operation of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), in the municipalities of Dracena and Regente Feijó, located in the State of São Paulo, were adopted as methodological procedures, literature review in bibliographical sources, interviews with social actors, formators of the institutional arrangement necessary for the operation of the PNAE, and the application of questionnaires with the family farmers participating in the program. In Dracena and Regente Feijó, there is the participation of the School Feeding Sector and the agronomists belonging to the Houses of Agriculture for the development of the program and the insertion of family agriculture. However, the performance of the School Feeding Council (CAE) does not occur in the same way. In Dracena, he is more active than Regente Feijó, as the participation of rural producers in the first municipality through a cooperative allows the insertion of family farmers in other public policies, a situation that does not occur in the municipality of Regente Feijó, since the producers participate in the PNAE through an informal group, having in this program the only alternative to market their products.


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Author Biographies

Ellen Tamires Pedriali Colnago, UNESP, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, campus of Presidente Prudente - SP

Graduated in Geography by UNESP, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Campus of Presidente Prudente - SP, in 2015. Master in Geography, in 2018, by the Graduate Program in Geography.

Rosangela Aparecida de Medeiros Hespanhol, UNESP, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, campus of Presidente Prudente - SP

Professor of Graduate and Postgraduate courses in Geography of FCT - UNESP, campus of Presidente Prudente - SP.



How to Cite

Colnago, E. T. P., & Hespanhol, R. A. de M. (2019). Public policies and territorial development: an analysis of the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar in the municipalities of Dracena and Regente Feijó - SP. GEOGRAFIA (Londrina), 28(2), 185–202.


