Analysis of the impacts of urban voids on the production of space in the city Terra Boa (PR), Brazili


  • Paulo Sérgio Gusmão State University of Paraná - Campus Campo Mourão
  • Marcos Clair Bovo State University of Paraná - Campus Campo Mourão



Urban space, Real state speculation, Urban voids.


This research brings light to a subject barely discussed in Geography, that is, the urban voids that are idle spaces which impact small, medium and large cities. The production of such spaces engenders problems and attends private interests, especially those of the land agents, or to assure the maintenance of real state speculation by the real state developers. In face of that, urban voids restrain the role of the property’s social function, when they affect the assurance of the population’s life quality. Such fact contributes with urban segregation by precluding the access of large part of the population to these spaces, due to the high cost resulting from real state speculation, besides causing environmental problems and proliferation of disease. Thus, this research aims at analyzing the conditions of production and reproduction of urban voids in the central area of Terra Boa-PR. The methodology used consisted in bibliographical research, field survey and technical referential. Results show that urban voids, specifically the speculative ones, are a reality in the central area of Terra Boa with 6.38% of properties not built, being kept for further valuation through real state speculation. Therefore, it is possible to assert that the phenomenon takes place in this city because it contains the elements necessary to attend the interests of the agents responsible for producing urban space.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Sérgio Gusmão, State University of Paraná - Campus Campo Mourão

State University of Paraná - Campus Campo Mourão - Master's Degree Program by the Interdisciplinary Post-Graduation Society and Development.

Marcos Clair Bovo, State University of Paraná - Campus Campo Mourão

Associate Professor of the Department of Geography of the State University of Paraná - Campus Campo Mourão - and professor and coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Society and Development, from the same university.



How to Cite

Gusmão, P. S., & Bovo, M. C. (2019). Analysis of the impacts of urban voids on the production of space in the city Terra Boa (PR), Brazili. Geografia (Londrina), 28(1), 81–96.


