The county of Cunha: a proposal for integrated geographic analysis for teaching the physical aspects and the history of land use and occupation


  • Rosana Silvestre de Lima University of São Paulo



Cunha, Paraíba Valley, Integrated analysis, Didatic.


This article is result of the environmental study activity carried out in the county of Cunha in 2016, within the discipline FLG5897 - Teaching and learning of Geography and interdisciplinary practices in the occasion of the postgraduate course at the University of São Paulo. Whereas the integrated analysis can reduce the disciplinary distances between physical and human geography, the objective of this work is to demonstrate this possibility producing an interchange with classic geographic theories such as Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift and Refuge Theory, with field observations, information obtained through dialogue with stakeholders and bibliographical research about the county. It is hoped, therefore, to favor the didactic exploration of Cunha for integrated geographic studies.


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Author Biography

Rosana Silvestre de Lima, University of São Paulo

Graduated in Geography. Master's degree in Physical Geography and CNPQ grant from the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo.



How to Cite

Lima, R. S. de. (2018). The county of Cunha: a proposal for integrated geographic analysis for teaching the physical aspects and the history of land use and occupation. Geografia (Londrina), 27(2), 283–301.



Pedagogical Workshops