Outcomes of the Territórios da Cidadania Program in the Nordeste Paraense: development or social control?





Public policy, Territórios da Cidadania, Nordeste Paraense, Territory, Development.


In the context of the implementation of territorial public policies in Brazil, the Territórios da Cidadania Program is presented as a new form of territorial management based on the delimitation of similar areas, with the participation of organized civil society. The proposal is announced as innovative, however, it follows principles of development previously applied. The official documents that suggest changes in the state actions, but are unaccompanied by the mechanisms that enable its operation. Thus, through the analysis of the Program's operation in the Nordeste Paraense, focusing on its material achievements, the present dissertation sought to unveil the conception of the guiding development of the actions carried out, contrasting its discourse with its practice.


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Author Biography

Arthur Boscariol da Silva, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará

Has majors degree (2012) and a bachelor's degree (2014) in Geography from UNESP, a Master's degree in Geography from UEL (2017) and an EBTT professor at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará since 2016. Has worked as a teacher at São Paulo state, private and federal education networks. Is currently teaching at the high school, integrated technical, high school and post-graduate lato sensu. Since graduation has been doing research in the areas of agrarian geography and public policies, entering the discussion on development and territory during the master's degree. Has students under its supervision and researches in this area.



How to Cite

Silva, A. B. da. (2018). Outcomes of the Territórios da Cidadania Program in the Nordeste Paraense: development or social control?. Geografia (Londrina), 27(1), 199–200. https://doi.org/10.5433/2447-1747.2018v27n1p199



Resumos de Dissertações e Teses