The impact from sugarcane agribusiness territorialization on labor relations: notes about Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Alex Torres Domingues Grande Dourados Federal University.
  • Antonio Thomaz Júnior Universidade Estadual Paulista - Presidente Prudente



Agribusiness sugarcane, Capital, Labor Relations, Precarization, Louis Dreyfus.


This article aims to analyze the degradation of labor relations that characterize the contradictions of the sugarcane agribusiness (especially after the establishment of agro-industrial units of the Louis Dreyfus Group). That is, maintenance of regressive relationships those are expressed in the payment by production, hiring migrants, and interaction with automated processes and technically linked to the sectors that stand out from the technological point of view, in the political and economic current conditions extremely favorable to the sugarcane agro-industrial sector. We emphasize the working relationships in this sector that are expressed in degrading conditions or precarization, according to the retractation of the capital, reflecting a direct impact on the relationship between capital and labor. This reflects directly in the weakening of employment relationships, and in the constant and increasing loss of the quality of life in and out of work.


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Author Biographies

Alex Torres Domingues, Grande Dourados Federal University.

Professor, School of Human Sciences, Grande Dourados Federal University.

Antonio Thomaz Júnior, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Presidente Prudente

Professor, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Estadual Paulista - Presidente Prudente Campus.



How to Cite

Domingues, A. T., & Júnior, A. T. (2014). The impact from sugarcane agribusiness territorialization on labor relations: notes about Mato Grosso do Sul. Geografia (Londrina), 22(1), 139–156.


