
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • I commit to not submit this work to another journal or any other means of dissemination. I declare that I am aware that this obligation ceases only when I request the archiving of this work, which must be communicated in writing (via e-mail) to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Geografia (Londrina).
  • 3. The authorship of the work must not include more than 03 authors and must be attached on a single page file in the "transfer supplementary documents" option, with the author's full name (without abbreviations), centered; Arial font, size 10; bold; single line spacing, and spacing 0 pt before and 0 pt after. On the line below (Arial font, size 9, single spaced), in the following order: degree, last title and institution (where the title was obtained), professional affiliation (university, research institute, organization), complete address (street, number, location, post office box, zip code, city, and state), and e-mail address (the last two will not be disclosed).
  • ABSTRACT and KEYWORDS: I declare that the translation has been carried out by a specialist and is certified by the submission of a responsibility statement for the task of this part of the article in the "transfer supplementary documents" option.
  • The submission files are in Microsoft Office Word 2003, OpenOffice, or RTF format. The text is 1.5-spaced; uses Arial font, size 11; uses italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text.
  • I confirm that if tables or charts have been used in this work, they have been generated using the "table" tool available in Microsoft Office Word. I confirm that any formulas and equations used in this work were created using the Equation Editor tool available in Microsoft Office Word.
  • In the event of publication, the authors agree to the terms of the Copyright Statement assigned by the journal.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors


Articles must be submitted using the Template

Number of Authors: Geografia/UEL reserves the right to reject papers with more than 03 authors.

Papers must be original. By submitting their manuscripts for evaluation, the authors commit to preserve its unpublished nature. In special cases (historical, relevant or rescue work, due to the scarcity of original journals), papers may be accepted, after evaluation by the Editorial Board.

The content of the manuscripts is the sole responsibility of the authors.

Authors are responsible for correcting spelling and grammar, proofreading typos, and formatting the text in accordance with the guidelines provided here. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the originals to maintain the homogeneity and quality of this journal, without the authors’ approval for such modifications.

Papers are received on a continuous flow and must be submitted exclusively through the SEER system. To do this, the author must go to: and fill out the registration form. Enter your full name without abbreviations (note: do not fill in the "personal title" box, leave it blank); also fill in the "institution/affiliation" and "biography summary" boxes completely (it can be the summary from the Lattes CV). Make sure you have correctly filled in all the boxes and save the information (green "register" button). Then access the system (entering your login and password via the "ACCESS" tab) and follow the instructions to start the new submission. Do not forget to save and continue on each page.

At the time of submission, authors must pay attention to the "choose a section..." item, and classify their work according to the following sections:
Original articles: includes works that contain full reports of studies and research, opinion essays, literature reviews, and similar collaborations (over 12 and a maximum of 20 pages).
Pedagogical workshops: holds the status of an article, but its objective is to present didactic proposals aimed at teaching geosciences at primary, secondary, and higher education levels.
Scientific Notes: observations, opinions, criticisms, considerations, and explanations on topics of interest to the target audience (maximum of 6 pages).
Reviews: appreciation, critical and descriptive analysis of recently released works (maximum of four pages).
Interviews and testimonials: (maximum of six pages).

During the electronic submission of the paper, in the item:
Step 4. Transfer of supplementary documents

The submitting author must attach a file in the "transfer supplementary documents" option, which contains all the authors and their qualifications on a single page.

The "LETTERS OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRANSLATION" of the abstract (English and Spanish).

Must be inserted within the same area.
The received papers will be submitted to the Permanent Advisory Board of this journal, as well as to external ad hoc consultants, recognized experts in each of the topics covered. Therefore, manuscripts will be sent for evaluation without identification of authorship. The consultants will provide opinions on the theoretical-conceptual, structural (text coherence) and writing (spelling-grammar) aspects.
The subjects covered, as well as the opinions expressed by the authors, are their sole responsibility.


(insert Horizontal Line before the Title and single space after it)
Only the initial letters of the first word of the title should be in capital letters, centered, bold, Arial font size 14, single line spacing

(three single spaces between titles)

Title in English: Initial capital letters centered, in italics (without bold), Arial font, size 12, single line spacing,

(three single spaces)

Title in Spanish: Initial capital letters centered and in italics (without bold), Arial font, size 12, single line spacing,

Author's name(s) (Arial font, size 11)

Authors' names and information must be submitted in a supplementary file; the evaluated paper must not contain any identifications.
Papers with more than three authors will not be accepted

(Insert Horizontal Line and three single spaces)

ABSTRACT: It is a concise presentation of the main points of the manuscript: subject, objectives, main results, and conclusions. The alignment must be justified, font size 10, single line spacing, 0 pt before and 0 pt after, in a single paragraph, containing a maximum of 200 words in plain text (without illustrations or citations). The words "Resumo", "Abstract", and "Resumen" must appear on the same line as the text, in bold, followed by a colon (:).

(one single space)

KEYWORDS: Three to five keywords should follow the “resumo”, “abstract” or “resumen”, separated by a semicolon and spelled with initials in lower case, except for proper and scientific names. The words "Palavras-chave", "Keywords" and "Palabras Clave" should be in bold. Arial font, size 10, Single Space.

(two single spaces).

ABSTRACT: It is requested that the translation of the abstract into English be done by a specialist, attaching a declaration of responsibility for the task of this part of the article in the "transfer supplementary documents" option. The body text of the Abstract should be in italics, single paragraph, in Arial font, size 10, separated from the keywords by a single space.

KEYWORDS: The body text of the keywords should be in italics, single paragraph, in Arial font, size 10, with the first letter capitalized, separated by a semicolon.

(two single spaces)

RESUMEN: It is requested that the ABSTRACT be translated into Spanish by a specialist, attaching a statement of responsibility for the task of this part of the article in the "transfer supplementary documents" option. The body of the text should be in italics, single paragraph, in Arial font, size 10, separated from the keywords by a single space.

PALABRAS-CLAVE: The body text of the Palabras Clave should be in italics, single paragraph, in Arial font, size 10, with the first letter capitalized, separated by a semicolon.

(Insert Horizontal Line and give three single spaces )

It should be concise and present the problem to be addressed in the article. It should also include information about the area of research and the objectives of the work. It should not be based on bibliographical citations, which should be used in the body of the paper when discussing the results. It should be written in Arial font, size 11, 1.5 spacing, with a 1 cm paragraph indent.

General Formatting
Papers should be typed in Microsoft Office Word 2003 or higher and saved in DOC format to maintain formatting. If the paper is written in a current version of Microsoft Office Word, please save it in the requested version before submitting.
If authors use the Open Office system, they should still save it as a Word file (DOC or DOCX).
Page configuration:
● Paper size: A4;
● Portrait orientation (for the entire work);
● Margins: top, bottom, left, and right = 2.5 cm;
● Header and footer 1.25 cm;
● No pagination;
● Arial font
● Font size: 11, normal.

Text items and sub-items
No indentation and no numbering in headings and subheadings, in bold, justified alignment, Arial font, size 11, 1.5 line spacing.
Main Items should be in capital letters; sub-items should be in lower case (except for the initial word of the sentence and words usually capitalized).

The article must contain an INTRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENT, CONCLUSIONS, and REFERENCES in its structure, which does not necessarily apply to scientific notes, reviews, pedagogical workshops, and interviews.
There should be a 1.5 space between the items or sub-items and the paragraphs of the text. The same applies to citations, figures, and tables.

(one space 1.5)

Text formatting
Text should be formatted as follows: justified alignment, font size 11, normal, special indentation for the first line of each paragraph by 1 cm, 1.5 line spacing.

Citations, Figures and Tables
Follow the ABNT standards.
Citations with more than 3 (three) lines should be typed in size 10, single-spaced, without indentation, justified alignment, with a left margin of 4 cm.
Figures (maps, photographs, etc.) should be numbered and located as close as possible to their reference in the text, in JPEG format, clear (with a minimum of 200 dpi), centered, with a Title above and its source information below, Arial font size 10, and single-spaced. The source must include the year and it must be listed in References.
For illustrations (e.g. photographs) produced by the author of the work, indicate: Source: the author.
Graphs also follow the aforementioned norms and should be referred to as Figures.
Tables and Charts: subheadings should only have the initial letters capitalized.
Tables (without side borders) and Charts (with all borders) follow the same formatting as Figures. The difference between a table and a chart is that the table necessarily presents a numerical relationship.
Charts and tables should not be cut or subdivided, implying that they should be no more than one page long.

The font should be Arial size 10 with single spacing, including between title, table or chart, and source. The source of tables and charts, when produced by the author, should be indicated as SOURCE: the author.

It should be concise and present the main conclusions drawn from the analyzed results throughout the article. It should not contain anything new in relation to the text of the article. It should also not include bibliographical citations. Font Arial, size 11, 1.5 spacing, 1 cm paragraph indent.

The references used throughout the text (direct and indirect citations) should be listed in this section (in alphabetical order) with the following formatting: font Arial, size 11, left alignment, single line spacing, and 6 pt spacing before and after.
The titles of papers in journals should be written in bold (do not use italics).
References should follow ABNT standards (see Examples in section 2.3 in the guide at

Privacy Policy
The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.


[1] Institution, Full Address and Email of each author.


Artigos: são trabalhos que contenham relatos completos de estudos e pesquisas, revisões da literatura e colaborações assemelhadas. Devem conter os seguintes itens: resumointrodução, desenvolvimento (objetivos, materiais e métodos, resultados), conclusão e referências bibliográficas, como estruturação mínima. Devem possuir acima de 12 e no máximo 20 páginas.

Pedagogical Workshops

Oficinas pedagógicas: possui status de artigo; porém, seu formato é menos rígido. Objetiva a apresentação de propostas didáticas (aulas práticas, roteiros de excursão ao campo, experimentos de laboratório, etc.) voltadas ao ensino das geociências nos níveis fundamental, médio e superior.


Notas: são breves comunicações científicas, observações, opiniões, críticas, ponderações ou explicações sobre temas de interesse ao público-alvo. São limitadas a 6 páginas).


Resenhas: apreciação, análise crítica e descritiva de obras recém-lançadas. (até 4 páginas).


Publicação de entrevistas com geógrafos de destaque na ciência geográfica

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.