Narration and points of view in Raised from the ground, by José Saramago




Raised from the Ground, Narrator, Focalization.


The complexity of Raised from the Ground (1980), a novel by José Saramago, is already well known by the critic. The same can be applied to its narrator: a singular subject, axiologically involved. Regarding the sinuosity of this narrating “I” and its transmission of ideological, ethical, social, and moral values throughout the novel, this paper analyzes the possibility of this narrator being not only a subject that “speaks” (narrates, summarizes, and comments). Thus, the narrator can be an authentic focalizer of determined objects, regardless of being at the narrative level. When considering the narrator as a focalizer, the work enters directly into the discussions about the point of view issues of Literary Theory and Narratology, leading toward renowned theorists’ formulations. In order to support this hypothesis, Manfred Jahn (1999), Alain Rabatel (2016), and Mieke Bal (2021) are used as a theoretical base.

Author Biographies

Karen Adorno, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

PhD student in Literary Studies at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Raquel Trentin Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doctorate in Literary Studies, by the Graduate Program in Letters at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Professor at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).


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How to Cite

Adorno, K., & Oliveira, R. T. (2022). Narration and points of view in Raised from the ground, by José Saramago. Estação Literária, 29, 23–44.



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