Aspects of Goethe’s science and religion in the conception of destiny of <i>Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship</i>




Goethe, Bildungsroman, Destination, Polarity and intensification


Inaugural and paradigmatic work of the Bildungsroman, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship personifies, with insuperable foresight, the existential dilemma of the individual autonomy towards the belief in a benevolent destiny acting in secret consonance with the innate inclinations of the individual. This article intends to shed light on Goethe’s scientific and religious assumptions that were present in the fictional elaboration of this dilemma, evidencing the narrative and symbolic expedients with which the German poet equates, in the course of the formation of his 'hero', devices linked to trust and distrust to the realization of fundamental human aspirations.


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Author Biography

Marco Antônio A. Clímaco, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP

Post-doctoral student in Philosophy at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP


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How to Cite

Clímaco, M. A. A. (2016). Aspects of Goethe’s science and religion in the conception of destiny of <i>Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship</i>. Estação Literária, 18, 93–115.



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