The future eve in hick land: about the brazilian novel salomé by Menotti Del Picchia


  • Reinaldo José de Andrade Brandão Universidade Estadual da Paraíba



Salome, castration, decadence, modernity.


The character Salomé leaves the old historiography and the medieval religious iconography to become a literary myth, reinventing herself over the century XIX, as the absolute femme fatale. Performing different degrees of approximation with the Symbolist and decadent aesthetics, the modernist author Menotti del Picchia with his novel <i>Salomé</i> (1940) innovates to conceive a character who embodies the signs of modernity. The article investigates the sacred <i>versus</i> profane dichotomy in the literary representation of Salome, from the comparison with the Bible. In addition to the comparative analysis, it also undertakes a psychoanalytic reading of the castration complex.


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Author Biography

Reinaldo José de Andrade Brandão, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Teacher at theUniversidade Estadual da Paraíba


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How to Cite

Brandão, R. J. de A. (2014). The future eve in hick land: about the brazilian novel salomé by Menotti Del Picchia. Estação Literária, 13, 103–119.



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