The errant spirit: dynamic rootedness and plural speech
Negative thought, Dynamic rootedness, Plural speech.Abstract
This article is an attempt to demonstrate, based on the concepts of plural speech of Maurice Blanchot and dynamic rootedness of Michel Maffesoli, how different aspects from the existence can be articulated on the negative thought. Both ideas, these which give powerful reflections about the tract of the word and of the culture, come from a paradoxical dialectic and a great exercise of the chance. Their processes are always constant, because their direction is the come to be itself. So the only result they produce is not palpable neither permanent; it is the difference itself being limitless in its meeting to the strange.Downloads
BLANCHOT, Maurice. O Livro Por Vir. Tradução: Leyla Perrone-Moisés. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2005.
BLANCHOT, Maurice. A Conversa Infinita 2: a experiência-limite. Tradução: João Moura Jr. São Paulo: Escuta, 2007.
BLANCHOT, Maurice. A Conversa Infinita 1: a palavra plural. Tradução: Aurélio Guerra Neto. São Paulo: Escuta, 2010.
MAFFESOLI, Michel. Sobre o Nomadismo: vagabundagens pós-modernas. Tradução: Marcos de Castro. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001.
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