The belonging ideology in Língua materna, by Nadine Gordimer




Diaspora, Language, Belonging


This article aims to analyze the belonging ideology in literature, considering the linguistic and cultural difficulties in the short story Língua Materna, by Nadine Gordimer. The characters, a South African man and a German woman, try to keep a relationship despite their different language. The belonging question is examined when their linguistic culture becomes an excluding element. This article is based on theories about diaspora, belonging and language developed by Brah, Cohen, Hall, among others. The results show that language is an essential component for culture interaction and the intercontinental boarders’ transposition.


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Author Biography

Érica Fernandes Alves, Faculdade Estadual de Ciências e Letras de Campo Mourão - FECILCAM

Assistant teacher at Faculdade Estadual de Ciências e Letras de Campo Mourão - FECILCAM


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How to Cite

Alves, Érica F. (2012). The belonging ideology in Língua materna, by Nadine Gordimer. Estação Literária, 10(2Supl), 178–194.



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