Deciphering the signs: displacement and urban spaces in Paul Auster’s In the country of last things




Paul Auster, Urban Spaces, Contemporary Fiction


In the city from In the country of last things, a novel by Paul Auster, the confrontation with strangers should be avoided, even though the characters are impelled to being close to one another. Not distant from this process, the consolidation of the sense of belonging — an endless search — can never be reached, for in this fragmented city one is always an outsider. Establishing a dialog with important theories on the displacement within contemporary cities, this paper will analyze, in Auster’s novel, the literary depiction of the loss of public spaces (territories of subjective production) and the consequent rarefaction of the contact with the other (a fundamental part of the constitution of the self).


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Author Biography

Rafaela Scardino, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES

PhD in Literature from the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES


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How to Cite

Scardino, R. (2012). Deciphering the signs: displacement and urban spaces in Paul Auster’s In the country of last things. Estação Literária, 10(2Supl), 154–165.



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