"Dão-Lalalão": Regional and postmodern


  • Seleste Michels da Rosa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS




Regionalism, Postmodernism, Orality, Linguistic inovation, Narrator


We are going to analyze “Dão-Lalalão” written by Guimarães Rosa, a composition based on continuous fabulations, typical of the speeches from people from northwest part of Minas Gerais state. This structure shows originality, reveling its own mark: the orality; but it tells which seems to be spontaneous revels regionalists and postmodern tendencies. The environment is regional and the characters are deeply linked to it. However, the Knot - main character conflict - and the narrator - polyphonic - are characteristics of postmodernism. The appearance of perfection in these characters -since they are adjusted to their world of values - is dismantled while the text goes deeper into the presentation, showing their fears and distrusts. They are like any human, in any place in the world.


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Author Biography

Seleste Michels da Rosa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Doctorate in Letters from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS


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DAMATTA, Roberto. A casa e a rua: espaço, cidadania, mulher e morte no Brasil. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1985.

HUTCHEON, Linda. Poética do pós-modernismo. Rio de Janeiro. Imago, 1988.

MIGUEL-PEREIRA, Lúcia. Prosa de ficção: de 1870 à 1920. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio; Brasília: INL, 1973.

REIS, Carlos. O conhecimento da literatura: introdução aos estudos literários. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2003.

ROSA, João Guimarães. Dão- dalalalão. In: ROSA, João Guimarães. Noites do Sertão. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1995.



How to Cite

Rosa, S. M. da. (2008). "Dão-Lalalão": Regional and postmodern. Estação Literária, 1, 58–65. https://doi.org/10.5433/el.2008v1.e25067



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