Quality of life with Parkinson's desease and it's relationship with caregivers
quality of life, parkinson's disease, caregivers, care, familyAbstract
Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative pathology that progressively disables individuals affected by it, leading them to an increasing need for care from another person, which affects their Quality of Life (QoL). The general objective was to analyze the self-perception of the QoL of people living with PD and the relationship between this QoL and the presence or absence of a caregiver. The instruments were: a sociodemographic questionnaire; the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) and a semi-structured interview. Participants obtained a good average in general QoL (M=27.590) (the lower the score, the better the QoL, ranging from 0 to 100), with "Mobility" and "Activities of Daily Living" presenting worst (highest) scores among all dimensions assessed. The thematic categories showed 6 categories, 20 subcategories and 87 content units. That said, it is possible to suggest that the presence of a caregiver can have a positive influence on the QoL of people living with PD.
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