Inheritance of the negative and incestuality in family ties




transgenerational, incestual, family, sensoriality


Psychic transmission works in the sense of life and death, through unconscious alliances, between and across generations. The purpose of this article is to discuss the place of incestuality and sensoriality in the psychic transmission of the negative. We emphasize that the inheritance of the negative is part of the prehistory subjects and that the untreated traumas, not accessible to memory, are registered in the family psychism and in the singular bodies. In order to illustrate the proposed discussion, we present a clinical vignette of family psychoanalytic psychotherapy. We conclude that the transmission of the negative and the incestual quality acting in the family bonds are evidenced through sensoriality, in the crossing of psychic spaces and in the family's temporality, causing losses in the recognition of differences and in the subjectification.

Author Biography

Andrea Seixas Magalhães, PUC-Rio

Associate Teacher at the Department of Psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Teacher at the Specialization Course in Family and Couple Psychotherapy at PUC-Rio


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Palermo, F., & Seixas Magalhães, A. (2022). Inheritance of the negative and incestuality in family ties. Estudos Interdisciplinares Em Psicologia, 13, 01–18.



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